The Commonwealth Round Table journal editorial team. pictures: Sue Onslow, Syed Badrul Ahsan, Emmanuel Remi Aiyede, Dianna DaSilva-Glasgow, Henrietta McNeill and Terry Barringer.Picture: [l-r] Sue Onslow, Syed Badrul Ahsan, Emmanuel Remi Aiyede, Dianna DaSilva-Glasgow, Henrietta McNeill and Terry Barringer.

Editor of the Round Table journal

The editor of The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs and Policy Studies is Professor Sue Onslow, who became the nineteenth editor of the journal in January 2025.

Sue is a visiting professor in the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London. A leading oral history practitioner, she completed her PhD at the London School of Economics and taught there and at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, from 1994 to 2012. She then moved to the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, initially as lead interviewer on ‘An Oral History of the Modern Commonwealth’, and subsequently as deputy director (2015-20) and director (2022-23). She has published widely on southern Africa, non-alignment, decolonisation, and the modern Commonwealth. She was co-editor of Southern Africa in the Cold War Post-1974 (2013), co-author of a biography of Robert Mugabe (2018), and co-editor of Consuls in the Cold War (2023), among other publications. She is currently writing a book on the Commonwealth in the Cold War era. She is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and first became a member of the editorial board of the Round Table in 2013.

Sue is supported by an editorial team consisting of:

Deputy editor of the Round Table journal

Syed Badrul Ahsan is a Bangladeshi journalist, current affairs commentator, and historian. He joined the New Nation as assistant editor in the early 1980s and subsequently worked for other Bangladeshi newspapers including the Morning Sun, the Bangladesh Observer, the Independent, News Today, New Age, Daily Observer, and (as executive editor) the Daily Star and the Dhaka Courier. Currently he writes regularly for the Dhaka Tribune, the Business Standard, and the Financial Express. He has taught at various universities in Bangladesh and is a fellow of Jawaharlal Nehru University and a senior research fellow of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. He is the author of biographies of Bangladesh’s first prime minister, Tajuddin Ahmad (2008), and Bangladesh’s founding president, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (2014).

Regional editors of the Round Table journal

Professor Emmanuel Remi Aiyede is professor of political institutions, governance, and public policy in the Department of Political Science at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is also an extraordinary professor at the School of Public Management and Administration at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He took his BA, MSc, and PhD from the University of Ibadan, the latter for a thesis on the political economy of labour regulation in Nigeria. He worked in journalism and at the Development Policy Centre, an independent think tank in Ibadan, before joining the staff of the University of Ibadan in 2005. His research and publications have covered development policy, capacity-building, the dynamics of civil society, democratisation, and electoral management and reform. He is co-editor of Public Policy and Research in Africa (2023). His current project is on governance and resilience of cities in Africa. He is a fellow of the Pan-African Scientific Research Council.

Dr Dianna DaSilva-Glasgow is dean and senior lecturer in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Guyana. She completed her bachelor’s degree in economics at the University of Guyana and her MSc in International Trade Policy and PhD on economic development policy at the University of the West Indies. She worked briefly with the CARICOM Secretariat on the Agriculture Investment Forum before joining the staff of the University of Guyana in 2008. Her research interests are in the areas of Caribbean economic development and international trade policy and she has published several book chapters and journal articles in these areas. She is co-editor of a recently published book, Economic Challenges in Early 21st Century Guyana: Post-independence Growth and Development.

Dr Henrietta McNeill is a research fellow in the Department of Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University, Canberra. She completed her PhD at the Australian National University with a thesis examining the securitisation of criminal deportation to the Pacific Islands, particularly Tonga, Samoa, and the Cook Islands, which won the 2024 International Association for the Study of Organised Crime PhD Prize. She was also a 2021 Fulbright scholar. Her research focus is on Pacific regional security and the security-migration nexus, particularly transnational crime, criminal deportations, border security, citizenship, and security co-operation. She is a co-investigator on a Department of Defence Strategic Policy Grant project, ‘Pacific maritime security coordination: partnerships, priorities, and possibilities’ (2024-6), and is co-editor of Power and Influence in the Pacific Islands: Understanding Statecraftiness (2024).

Book reviews editor of the Round Table journal

Terry Barringer took her undergraduate degree in modern history at the University of Oxford and then a postgraduate qualification in librarianship before embarking on a career as an archivist and librarian, including for many years at the Royal Commonwealth Society in London (and for seven years at Cambridge University Library, after the move of its collections there). Since then she has worked as an independent scholar, bibliographer, editor, and reviewer. She has published articles on missionary periodicals, the East African Revival, the British Colonial Service, and the Victorian novelist, Charlotte Mary Yonge. From 1998 to 2015 she compiled the annual Africa Bibliography published by Cambridge University Press and she currently edits Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation. She is a research associate of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide and a licensed lay minister in the Diocese of Ely. She joined the Round Table as book reviews editor in 2000, and was also assistant editor from 2009 to 2024.

You can view the entire editorial board at Members of the Commonwealth Round Table editorial board and the international advisory board at International Advisory Board – The Round Table.

Find out more about the Round Table Journal at Journal – The Round Table and The Round Table: Vol 113, No 6 (Current issue).

Call for Papers 2025: People on the Move. The Commonwealth and management of international migration